Parents and carers of students enrolled at Collingwood Park State School are invited to join the P&C Association for 2024.
The P&C Association is made up of Volunteer Parents and Citizens of Collingwood Park State School who support building a strong community and fostering interest in educational matters, school events, and class activities. We encourage close cooperation between parents, community, staff, and students and also provide financial support and other resources and services for the school.
Joining the school P&C is a great way to involve yourself in the community, to safeguard the best interests of your children and to look for creative ways to fund school projects that will benefit everyone. The more people involved, the more exciting and successful it will be! Participating in P&C activities can also help you to form friendships with other parents/carers and feel a part of your school community.
Here at Collingwood Park State School, your P&C Association manages and operates Outside School Hours Care, Tuckshop and the Uniform Shop. We find this is a great way to involve ourselves within the community and we encourage our community to "get involved, and make it happen".
During 2022, the P&C helped towards the costs of buses for interschool sport, decodable readers for classrooms, new signage for the front and back entrance to school and the new electronic sign. Moving forward into 2024, we are continuing with work towards a staged plan of beautifying the school. Plans are underway with events throughout the year to help fundraise.
By joining your P&C, you can add your voice to what’s happening within the school. As a P&C member, you can contribute opinions on positive school-wide behaviours, student dress code, school routines, P&C budget, school budget and school surveys.
Are you interested in contributing your thoughts on school policy? Can help out in the Uniform Shop or Tuckshop? Can you attend a P&C meeting (also via Zoom)? These are all ways you can be part of your school’s P&C. Remember - the things you do make a real difference, so why not join your P&C?
Your current executive team are:
Shylee Doonan – President
Ngapiata Epiha – Vice President
Rhiannon Mavromatakis - Vice President
Jayde Warwick - Treasurer
Lucinda Maguire - Secretary
The P&C Association advertise vacant executive positions of President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary, annually at the AGM. If you are interested in filling one of these key roles or becoming a general member please click on the links below. If you wish to contact the Parents and Citizens Association please email executives@cpsspandc.com.au
Kind Regards
P and C Guide
2024 Executive Nomination Form
2024 P and C Membership Application Form