
Student Resource Scheme


Collingwood Park State School proudly offers a Student Resource Scheme which is endorsed by the school’s Parent & Citizens Association and complies with the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006 (QLD).


  • Reduced financial costs for parents in providing an extensive range of student resources;
  • Eliminates shopping for textbooks and resources;
  • Provides student access to a wide range of latest resources;
  • Supplements consumable resources to provide real life learning experiences for our students;
  • Supports maintenance of technology.

The Queensland Government supports children's education by providing funding for instruction (teachers), facilities (school grounds and buildings, internet), and administration (staff to run the school). Funding for schools does not extend to individual student resources such as textbooks, equipment for personal use, and many items used by the student in the classroom.

The SRS helps parents to source these resources. The school can purchase resources at lower rates due to its bulk buying power. Resources such as textbooks or musical instruments that will be used over a period of time are hired to students to further reduce costs for families. Participating in the SRS also offers a convenient way for parents to source the items that their child needs for school, and ensures that all students have access to the same standard of resources.

All monies raised through this scheme are expended directly on the students of the school on an annual basis.

Prep to Year 6 - $60 per student

For more information about the Student Resource Scheme, please click here.

Last reviewed 31 July 2024
Last updated 31 July 2024