

CPSS Homework Policy 2019
At Collingwood Park State School we believe that homework provides students with opportunities to consolidate their classroom learning, develop a pattern of behaviour for lifelong learning beyond the classroom and involve family members in their learning. We also believe the setting of homework should take into account the need for students to have a balanced lifestyle allowing sufficient time for family, recreational and community pursuits.
Homework is most effective when it:
  • is clearly related to class work
  • is appropriate to particular years of schooling
  • is varied and differentiated to individual learning needs
  • consolidates, revises and/or applies students’ classroom learning
  • develops students’ independence as a learner through extension activities such as investigating, researching, writing, designing, making
  • is monitored by the teacher
Roles and Responsibilities:
  • Set up class routines to allow students to manage homework and change readers
  • Distribute homework regularly.
  • Record completed and uncompleted homework for reporting to parents
  • Provide feedback and suggestions to parents on homework and how to support their child as required
  • Ensure homework is set at students’ level and related to class work
  • Take responsibility for their own learning by:
  • Completing all homework tasks neatly and on time
  • Following classroom routines to hand in homework/change readers
  • Seeking assistance when difficulties arise
  • Following up comments made by the teacher
  • Organising their time to manage home responsibilities 
  • Help their child to complete tasks (discuss and explain tasks, direct them to resources, read to, or read with them and talk with them)
  • Establish routine, time and space to complete homework
  • Help their child to balance their time so that homework, home responsibilities, sport, or other activities can be accommodated
  • Contact the teacher to discuss any homework concerns

Homework Guidelines Appropriate to the Phase of Learning

Students are rewarded for completing homework on time and to the best of their ability. Students may be expected to complete homework in their own time at school if it is not completed.
Prep* , Year 1 and Year 2      10-15mins per night (4 nights per week)
1.       Daily reading (levelled readers) to/with parents or carers
2.       Literacy/numeracy activities, e.g. sight words, handwriting and number facts
3.       Incidental:
  • Conversations about what is happening at school
  • Linking concepts with familiar activities i.e. shopping, preparation of food, family outings
  • Preparation for school events including oral presentations
  • Opportunities to write for meaningful purposes related to real life events, e.g. birthday cards or invitations, shopping lists, labels, signs, diaries, addressing envelopes and so on.
* Prep students may not receive formal homework until Term 2, depending on their individual readiness, but the teachers may provide parents with suggestions for enhancing the skills, understanding and knowledge of students, such as helping with cooking, shopping, oral language activities, making patterns and enrichment activities.
Year 3 and 4      15-20 mins per night (4 nights a week)
1.       Daily reading (independent or levelled readers) individually/to/with parents or carers
2.       Literacy/numeracy activities, e.g. spelling activities and number facts
3.       Incidental – as above or below when required.
Year 5 and 6      20-25mins per night (4 nights a week)
1.       Daily independent reading
2.       Literacy/numeracy activities e.g. spelling activities and number facts
3.       Individual projects will be sent home occasionally to prepare students for High School
4.       Incidental:
  • Watching the news or current affairs shows on television
  • Discussing events with parents.
Last reviewed 18 September 2020
Last updated 18 September 2020